How To Improve Your Home Heating With A Wood Stove

We recently sold our old burner for a Dutch West Wood Stove. We decided that we can’t compromise our clean air for our sake anymore. Sure our old burner kept us warm and provided us with a lot of good home-cooked meals but the fact of the matter is, I knew it was damaging to the environment. When my husband and I finally got this wood stove from Dutch West, we were surprised to see how much better it was able to spread the heat. But the best thing about it was the incredibly low smoke emissions that it gave off. In fact, it has scored a high percent with the EPA because of how in its own way, was able to do its part for the environment. Below are some more ways where you can help lessen your carbon footprint and do your part in helping the environment:

  1. Stop using plastic bags. It’s been said time and time again but really, just eliminating the use of these nasty things will go a long way. Plastic bags do not rot. They do not decompose and can spend literally the next thousands of years sitting around and turning into traps for unassuming sea and land creatures.
  2. Switch to rechargeable batteries. The chemicals from discarded batteries gather in our landfills and pollute the earth. They are dangerous and toxic. Rechargeable batteries are more cost-effective anyways. And look at this way, you no longer have to run out to the nearest convenience store every time you run out. Simply pop your charger in a wall socket and you’re good to go in a few minutes.
  3. If you must go into a coffee shop, bring your own mug or coffee container. Or you can ask the barista to serve your coffee in their house mug. Really, how hard can this be? If only people can be aware of the millions of disposable paper cups/ napkins/ plastic straws, etc. these companies churn out per day, they’d realize what a waste of the environment these coffee chains really are. (Not to mention waste of money.)
  4. Do you really need to drive your own car all the time? What’s wrong with hitching a ride with dad? What’s wrong with taking the bus to your destination? What’s wrong with taking your bike? All these will cut your fuel emissions by a significant percent plus you will get to bond with a family member or get some much needed exercise. You might even just make a new friend on the subway or bus!
  5. Make it a habit to turn off the lights. This goes without saying that you must switch off any other electric appliance that you otherwise would leave on. It’s a waste of energy and come on, it’s just a matter of flipping a switch.

More Wood Stoves:

These are all but little ways we can all partake in to help save the environment. It’s 2011 and we should know better than now. It doesn’t take much to help out in a big way. For a start, you can get yourself a Dutch West Wood Stove and know that it’s environment friendly like you.

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